Help Your Students Tell Their Story

By The Storyworks Team
April 29, 2020

We’re inviting your students to document their experiences living through the COVID-19 pandemic as part of a living history project we are creating in the Classroom Magazines Division of Scholastic. 

We know that many of you are already encouraging your students to keep journals and write about their experiences, observations, and feelings. We want to support this effort and provide additional ideas for how your kids can document their experiences. We want your students to know that while this is a tough time, they are part of history and their stories matter.

Our education editors have created a menu of writing and creative projects for kids to choose from. Students are also free to combine ideas or design their own projects. If students would like, and with permission from a parent or legal guardian, they can share their projects with us. See the My History teacher site for more details and watch the video introduction to the project from Lauren Tarshis below.

We look forward to hearing from you and your students.
